Photography, Art, and Design ...understanding my creative process and what goes on when I create an image...
About The Artist.... Simone Hester
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
My Favorite Flower...
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Bloggin' from the Phone!
One of my first posts details the reasons you should always have some form photography equipment on hand because you never know when an opportunity comes right before your eyes. Today was another such instance, granted my end result was a little grainy and not too sharp, but I captured the moment before my eyes. I wasn't close enough to get to my camera in time, but I had my phone. Recently we have had two fawns moving about our backyard. I live next to a forest and we regularly have deer mulling about and June is key time to see fawns. This Spring the doe had a set of twins and we have been seeing them everyday for the past week. At sunset the whole family was together, doe, stag, and the babies. I got a shot of the babies as they walked around by my bench. So enjoy and remember to always carry some form of camera equipment with you!