For those that know me, know that my absolute favorite subject to shoot is architecture and a close second is nature. I am comfortable taking a variety of photographs with these as my focal points and standard for content. However, I sincerely believe in stretching the boundaries of your comfort zone and I try to do that on occasion. During my kids' Spring Break, I thought of many things we could do, and saw a commercial advertising the Jellyfish exhibit at our Aquarium. I knew in that instance, it would be a challenge for me. Capturing wildlife really truly calls on the right moment and time, you can sit all day or actually get lucky and capture that moment. I have been fortunate to get some wildlife shots that I am truly proud of, but was unsure of my luck capturing the graceful jellyfish.
The challenge with shooting in an aquarium is the first challenge of not using your flash it is against the policy of the aquarium (I am not a fan of the flash anyway) and using your flash against a tank full of fish is just awful, you get that lovely reflection. So you just have to know your camera and make the necessary adjustments and try your best to get your images.
I was fortunate to capture some really cool shots, I had more bad than good, but there are five that I am really proud of. They are so simplistic in nature, I thought that another cool effect would be to invert the colors and show two different versions of each image. A sample of one of my favorites is below (in both versions).
So my advice, get out of your comfort zone, and try something new... you just might like it!
"Jellyfishing V" (c) 2012
"Jellyfishing V in Negative" (c) 2012