About The Artist.... Simone Hester

Simone Hester was born in Chicago, Illinois and raised on the far south side of the city. She found an interest in art at an early age. At the recommendation of her teachers, she began private art lessons at a small art studio in the suburbs of Chicago. She was tutored, mentored and exposed to a variety of art mediums from calligraphy, etching, Chinese watercolors, acryllics, and oil painting. There she developed a love for drawing and painting. She broadened her art education by taking a variety of elective art classes in high school and college. Upon college graduation, her first professional position allowed her to work in graphic designs and further her knowledge of computers. Once given a digital camera, she combined her love of computers, painting, and photographs to develop her very own technique in creative digital photography. The computer has become her paintbrush and allows her to stretch the natural boundaries that a typical photograph is held to. She recently left the traditional workforce to work on her art full time and contribute to her website (http://www.simonehester.com/) and write her blog on photography, art, and everything else she finds creative.

Monday, April 25, 2011


I utilize Photoshop in the creation of my pieces and one of the techniques that I love is to actually layer multiple photos on top of one another.  This overlapping creates a totally new image and gives you numerous opportunities to create a wonderfully new piece.  You can use several images of the same subject or different subjects with a similar theme or totally different subjects as a whole.  The end result can be something so abstract or best to enhance a subject you were trying to capture.  Play with the opacity and colors to create an abstract or surreal environment, the choice it totally up to you.  The two following pieces I used the same subject matter.  With "Layer of Trees" I photographed three different shots of the same group of trees lit only by a streetlight.  I played with the hues to get the look just right.  And my final example, drops I wanted to add an extra branch to make it seem as if it came from one single tree and to add more drops to the piece.  I also played with texture to make the final product a truly unique one.

Layer of Trees (2011)

Drops (2011)

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