About The Artist.... Simone Hester

Simone Hester was born in Chicago, Illinois and raised on the far south side of the city. She found an interest in art at an early age. At the recommendation of her teachers, she began private art lessons at a small art studio in the suburbs of Chicago. She was tutored, mentored and exposed to a variety of art mediums from calligraphy, etching, Chinese watercolors, acryllics, and oil painting. There she developed a love for drawing and painting. She broadened her art education by taking a variety of elective art classes in high school and college. Upon college graduation, her first professional position allowed her to work in graphic designs and further her knowledge of computers. Once given a digital camera, she combined her love of computers, painting, and photographs to develop her very own technique in creative digital photography. The computer has become her paintbrush and allows her to stretch the natural boundaries that a typical photograph is held to. She recently left the traditional workforce to work on her art full time and contribute to her website (http://www.simonehester.com/) and write her blog on photography, art, and everything else she finds creative.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Photo 7 of 30: Fruit


So today's challenge.... Fruit. This was an easy one for me, because I have fruit in my home year round.  Summertime is the best, because the offerings are so plentiful and fresh.  My absolute favorite is a tie between watermelon and nectarines.  However, as the summer season ends, the pickings of my favorite fruits are slimmer and it becomes a little more expensive.  With the close of summer and it being October, I pay homage to my favorite winter time snack... the apple.  There is no other fruit next to pumpkin that screams Autumn than the beloved apple.  Ironically, it was no where on my list of favorite fruity eats until about seven years ago.  As a kid, I couldn't stand them (unless they were in an apple pie).  My parents always bought Red Delicious or Granny Smith.  I was not in love.  When my daughter was in preschool, she had a field trip to an apple orchard.  There I learned about the numerous varieties of apples, and we picked a handful of Gala apples.  We got home and I sliced it for her.  She was thrilled and told me how good it was.  So I had a slice, and I was hooked.  I never knew that an apple could be so flavorful and sweet in each bite.  I have tried other varieties to see if my taste buds would react in the same manner as my love affair with Gala, but no.  It is a treat that I give to myself everyday.... so here's to the love of apples!


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